Walden, Colordo

Mt. Zirkel, from the east side of Walden Pond
Walden is the only incorporated town in Jackson County. Located in the center of North Park, a large open valley, it was named in honor of Marcus Aurelius Walden, one of the town's earliest postmasters. If you want to see moose in Colorado, this is the area to come to.
Downtown Walden is centered around a "T" intersection where State Route 14 (heading east/west) meets State Route 125 (heading north/south).Most of downtown strings out along SR 125 to the north of that intersection. The famous courthouse is seeral blocks to the north, then 1 block to the west, across the street from the Jackson County Library. Next door to the library is the Chamber of Commerce office, a place I attempted to visit on a Wednesday afternoon in late July. Sign on the door said "Gone for lunch. Back at 1." Three hours later the sign was still there and the door still locked...
Walden is mostly built on a rise in the land with great views in all directions. The Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge is to the south, State Forest State Park and the Medicine Bow Mountains to the east, Mount Zirkel Wilderness, Routt National Forest and the Park Range to the west.

Jackson County Courthouse

The old International Order of Odd Fellows Lodge in Walden
Jackson County Related Pages
Walden - Jackson CountyState Forest State Park - Routt National Forest - Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge