Scenic Byways I Have Traveled

The Sawtooth Mountains along the Sawtooth Scenic Byway, Idaho

Flaming Gorge-Green River Basin Scenic Byway
One evening in September of 2009 I found myself in an auditorium with several hundred representatives from various government agencies and individual scenic byways. At one point we were all asked to stand. The leader of the meeting, Dennis Adams from the National Scenic Byways office in Duluth, MN (closed now due to Federal budget cuts), then asked the crowd "If you have driven fewer than five byways, please sit down." Half the room sat. Then he asked about 10, then 20, then 50, and when he got to 100, only he and I were still standing. Later that evening Dennis asked me how many byways have I driven. I didn't have a total for him as I've never kept an "official" record. But when I travel, I prefer to drive byways as I go. And when I looked at the full list of all of today's official scenic byways, many of them I traveled well before the scenic byway program began around 1990.
Below is my "official" list of byways that I have driven all or part of, recorded through the photos I took along the way (I'm still processing photos and data for some of these). You'll notice that only a few are east of the Mississippi River, because I don't often go there any more.
- Apache Trail Historic Road
- Coronado Trail Scenic Byway
- Dine'Tah "Among the People" Scenic Road
- Dry Creek Scenic Road
- Fredonia-Vermilion Cliffs Scenic Road
- Gila-Pinal Scenic Road
- Harquahala Mountain Backcountry Byway
- Historic Route 66 Backcountry Byway
- Jerome, Clarkdale & Cottonwood Historic Road
- Joshua Forest Scenic Byway
- Kayenta-Monument Valley Scenic Road
- Mingus Mountain Scenic Road
- Naat'tsis'aan-Navajo Mountain Scenic Road
- Red Rock Scenic Road
- San Francisco Peaks Scenic Road
- Sedona-Oak Creek Canyon Scenic Road
- Alpine Loop
- Cache la Poudre-North Park Scenic Byway
- Collegiate Peaks Scenic Byway
- Colorado River Headwaters Scenic Byway
- Dinosaur Diamond Prehistoric Highway
- Frontier Pathways Scenic & Historic Byway
- Gold Belt Tour Backcountry Byway
- Grand Mesa Scenic & Historic Byway
- Lariat Loop Scenic & Historic Byway
- Los Caminos Antiguos Scenic & Historic Byway
- Mount Evans Scenic Byway
- Peak to Peak Scenic Byway
- San Juan Skyway
- Santa Fe Trail Scenic & Historic Byway
- Scenic Highway of Legends
- Silver Thread Scenic Byway
- Top of the Rockies Scenic Byway
- Trail of the Ancients
- Trail Ridge Road/Beaver Meadow Road
- Unaweep/Tabeguache Scenic Byway
- West Elk Loop
- Bradenton Beach Scenic Highway
- Courtney Campbell Scenic Highway
- Florida Black Bear Scenic Byway
- Indian River Lagoon Scenic Highway
- Green Mountain Scenic Byway
- Old Florida Heritage Highway
- Palma Sola Scenic Highway
- Suncoast Scenic Parkway
- The Ridge Scenic Highway
- City of Rocks Backcountry Byway
- Mesa Falls Scenic Byway
- Oregon Trail-Bear Lake Scenic Byway
- Peaks to Craters Scenic Byway
- Ponderosa Pine Scenic Byway
- Salmon River Scenic Byway
- Sawtooth Scenic Byway
- Teton Scenic Byway
- Thousand Springs Scenic Byway
- Abo Pass Trail
- Corrales Road Scenic Byway
- Dry Cimarron Scenic Byway
- El Camino Real
- Enchanted Circle Scenic Byway
- Jemez Mountain Trail
- La Frontera del Llano
- Salt Missions Trail
- Sandia Crest Scenic Byway
- Santa Fe National Forest Scenic Byway
- Santa Fe Trail
- Socorro Historical District Scenic Byway
- The High Road to Taos
- Turquoise Trail
- Wild Rivers Backcountry Byway
- Elkhorn Scenic Byway
- Journey Through Time Scenic Byway
- Mt. Hood Scenic Byway
- Pacific Coast Scenic Byway
- Bear Lake Scenic Byway
- Bicentennial Highway
- Bull Creek Pass Backcountry Byway
- Capitol Reef Country Scenic Byway
- Cedar Breaks Scenic Byway (U-148)
- Dead Horse Mesa Scenic Byway
- Dinosaur Diamond Prehistoric Highway
- Flaming Gorge-Uintas Scenic Byway
- The Energy Loop: Huntington-Eccles Canyon Scenic Byway
- Indian Creek Corridor Scenic Byway
- Kolob Fingers Scenic Road
- Kolob Reservoir Scenic Road
- Logan Canyon Scenic Byway
- Monument Valley to Bluff Scenic Byway
- Mt. Carmel Scenic Byway
- Nebo Loop Scenic Byway
- Parowan-Brian Head-Panguitch Lake (U-143)
- Potash-Lower Colorado River Scenic Byway (U-279)
- Provo Canyon Scenic Byway
- Scenic Byway 12
- Smithsonian Butte Backcountry Byway
- Trail of the Ancients
- White Pass Scenic Byway

Along the Peter Norbeck Scenic Byway in South Dakota

Moki Dugway along the Trail of the Ancients in Utah