Swink, Colorado

The Swink Town Hall
Swink was most likely founded as another railroad town/agricultural center (I later learned there was a large sugar beet processing plant located here back in the 1950s, but the Colorado sugar beet market was pretty much destroyed by manipulations in the commodities markets in 1956). While I saw quite a few kids around town, I came across a lot more retirees. Most of Swink seems to be running south of US Highway 50 so folks are pretty much out of that major traffic pattern. This is another area where the northern Front Range cities are coming to buy up water rights from distressed Arkansas River Valley farmers.

The Post Office and a couple other businesses in downtown Swink

The Colonial Retirement Home

The Swink Community Center (with the town water supply hanging over the back yard)
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Photos are courtesy of TheArmchairExplorer, CCA-by-SA 4.0 License