Mancos State Park

One of the yurts for rent at Mancos State Park
Mancos State Park surrounds Jackson Gulch Reservoir at the edge of the San Juan National Forest. The fishing for rainbow trout and yellow perch is excellent but the boating has to be wakeless. With direct access to the national forest, there are hundreds of miles of trails available for the summer hikers and the winter snowshoers and cross-country skiers. 2 miles up the road is the West Mancos Trailhead, giving access to hundreds of miles of snowmobile trails in season. Sites in the main campground are open year-round - water hydrants and the dump station are available year-round but the electrical, water and sewer hook-ups are turned off in winter. There are also 2 insulated yurts with propane heater/gas-log fireplaces available for rent at Mancos State Park.

Jackson Gulch Reservoir and the La Plata Mountains
Upper photo courtesy of Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Lower photo courtesy of Wikipedia userid McGhiever, CCA-by-SA 3.0 License