Sheridan, Colorado

The Sheridan Public Library
The area that is now Sheridan was first homesteaded by John McBroom in the spring of 1859. His brother Isaac joined him in 1860 and homesteaded another 160-acre tract nearby. It was Isaac who is credited with first laying out the town that eventually became Sheridan. Almost next door was the town of Petersburg, named for Peter Magnes, a Swedish immigrant who arrived in 1859 and laid out his town in 1865. Before too long, the two areas had a hotel, blacksmith, railroad depot, newspaper, post office, church and, this being Colorado, plenty of taverns. General Philip Sheridan then came to the area and established Fort Logan close by because of the local water supply, the nearness of the railroad and "available space for a parade ground, artesian well possibilities, the beautiful view and its distance from Denver and its saloons."
Sheridan was incorporated in 1890 and took the General's name. Because of the military post, Sheridan prospered for many years, until the post was eventually shut down. Today, Fort Logan is a mental health facility that lies against the boundary of Sheridan. And Sheridan is still just a small town at the edge of the Denver Metroplex.

Fort Logan Mental Health Center in Sheridan

The Oxford/City of Sheridan RTD light rail station
Arapahoe County Pages
Aurora - Bennett - Bow Mar - Centennial - Cherry Hills VillageColumbine Valley - Deer Trail - Englewood - Foxfield - Glendale
Greenwood Village - Littleton - Sheridan - Arapahoe County
Chatfield State Park - Cherry Creek State Park