Peetz, Colorado

Peetz Town Hall
Located on what is called the "Peetz Plateau," the ton is very close to the large Peetz Wind Farm. Most commercial interest in the area is focused on farming and ranching. The town does have a gas station, restaurant, grain elevator, co-op, laundromat and a local phone/internet company.
The incorporated name "Peetz" comes from Peter Peetz, one of the first homesteaders in the area. Sometime prior to incorporation, the settlement was known as "Mercer." Mercer began as a water stop on the railroad.
In the busiest years, the town had more than 450 residents and maybe 50 businesses. Today it's a shell of its former self. Today's Town Hall was a bank that survived the Great Depression, then succumbed to market forces years later. The building still has the orignal vault and the teller counters. There are a few businesses in downtown but most buildings are empty now.

The Peetz grain elevators
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