Alabama State Parks

The view from Pulpit Rock, Cheaha State Park
Most Alabama State Parks charge minimal entry fees and all state parks that offer camping charge various fees for that. Some parks have golf courses, boat launch ramps, cave tours, etc, all of which also cost a few bucks. The prices I quote throughout this website are always subject to change. The Alabama prices in particular are also subject to slightly varying lodging taxes (usually between 5% and 14%), depending on the locales involved.
Day use hours in the Alabama State Parks System generally run from 7 am until sunset, every day of the year. Certain parks close for holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year, some cut back services depending on the seasons.
The State Parks of Alabama

Locations of Alabama's State Parks
Upper photo courtesy of Wikipedia userid Amann09
Map courtesy of Cartesia MapArt US Terrain
Map courtesy of Cartesia MapArt US Terrain