Spinney Mountain State Park

Spinney Mountain across Spinney Mountain Reservoir
The 2,500-surface-acre Spinney Mountain Reservoir at the heart of Spinney Mountain State Park offers world-class, gold medal fishing. This is an isolated, pristine retreat, far from "civilization" that is almost never busy, even in the heart of summer. Spinney Mountain Reservoir is open seasonally: basically from ice-off (late April) to ice-on (mid-November). Other than the 2 boat ramps and restrooms, there are essentially no facilities at Spinney Mountain. Camping is available at nearby Eleven Mile State Park. At the entrance station all boats and aquatic gear (including any float tubes and belly floats) will be inspected to be sure they carry no invasive zebra or quagga mussels.

Sunset over Spinney Mountain Reservoir
Photos of courtesy of Colorado Parks and Wildlife