Bamforth National Wildlife Refuge

Bamforth National Wildlife Refuge is comprised of three sections of land around Bamforth Reservoir totaling 1,166 acres. The area is a mix of private, state and federal land. The US Fish & Wildlife Service owns about 100 acres of the 550-acre lake bottom.
The refuge was established in 1932 to protect and preserve breeding, resting and feeding grounds for migratory birds and other wildlife. Bamforth NWR has a large nesting colony of California gulls on it. There also American white pelicans, American avocets, black-crowned night herons, snowy egrets and double-breasted cormorants. Among the extensive songbird population you'll find vesper sparrows, horned larks, Brewer's sparrows, brown-headed cowbirds and western meadowlarks.
Except for hunting purposes, Bamforth NWR is closed to the public. The refuge is usually not staffed. Administration is handled by Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge in Walden, Colorado. Bamforth National Wildlife Refuge is managed as part of the Central Sage Steppe Conservation Complex.

Map courtesy of National Geographic Topo!