National Park Service Sites in Wyoming

Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park
When most folks think of the National Park Service sites in Wyoming, first place that comes to mind is Yellowstone National Park, second is Grand Teton National Park, third is probably Devils Tower National Monument (especially since nearly everyone has seen the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind). But there is more spectacular countryside in Wyoming than just where the tourist crowds go. Follow the routes of the California, Oregon and Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trails and you won't be disappointed (unless you're looking for hordes of people everywhere). Or drive a couple of Wyoming's beautiful Scenic Byways. There's a lot more to the state than just what gets advertised on TV... My favorite area? I'm kinda split between the Wind River Range, the Big Horns and just about everything right outside the boundaries of Yellowstone. It's also nice to drop into Thermopolis and enjoy a long soak in the hot mineral waters of Hot Springs State Park.
National Park Service Sites

Bighorn Canyon NRA
California National Historic Trail
Devils Tower National Monument
Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area
Fort Laramie National Historic Site
Fossil Butte National Monument
Grand Teton National Park
John D. Rockefeller Jr. Memorial Parkway
Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail
Oregon National Historic Trail
Pony Express National Historic Trail
Yellowstone National Park

The Grand Tetons, from Moose, Wyoming

Fossil Butte
Upper photo of the Grand Tetons courtesy of Jon Sullivan
Photo of Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area courtesy of the National Park Service
Photo of Sheep Creek Bay courtesy of the US Forest Service
Map courtesy of Cartesia MapArt US Terrain