Yuba State Park

At Painted Rocks Campground, Yuba State Park

Yuba State Park is one of the very few state parks in Utah that offer boat-in camping. Sandy beaches on warm water, nearby OHV riding areas, at the foot of the San Pitch Mountains, this is a busy place in the summer.
The park concessionaire is Sequoia Motorsports and they offer OHV, boat and personal watercraft rentals at the park. They also operate a store on-site with basic camping and boating supplies and a short order restaurant (hamburgers, fries, etc).
Yuba State Park is open 365 days a year, with operating hours from 6 AM to 10 PM. The developed area of Yuba State Park is about 25 miles south of Nephi: get off the I-15 at exit 202 and go south about 5 miles to the park entrance. The less developed Painted Rocks area is off SR 28, about 15 miles south of Levan, about 7 miles north of Fayette. Yuba State Park is almost surrounded by the BLM's Yuba Lake Special Recreation Area.

Coming to Yuba Lake

Map of the Yuba State Park area