Mount Grafton Wilderness

Mount Grafton

Mt. Grafton is a 10,990' peak at the southern end of the Schell Creek Range, about 39 miles south of Ely in White Pine County. The 78,754-acre Mt. Grafton Wilderness surrounds the mountain and provides protection for the extensive forests and abundant wildlife of the area. You'll find elk, mule deer, mountain lion and Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep living here among the pinon pine, juniper, white fir, limber pine and aspen. Although the Mt. Grafton Wilderness may see lots of hunters in season there are only a couple of primitive hiking trails that see any real traffic, and both lead to the summit of Mt. Grafton.
Mount Grafton Wilderness is large and very rugged with crags, rock outcrops and jagged peaks scattered across the high country. The mountains are high enough to catch enough rain water to support several creeks that rush down from the highlands through aspen groves and other riparian zones. North Creek is a designated Scenic Area and flows with enough water to support a fishery.

The Schell Range

Mount Grafton

Map courtesy of National Geographic Topo!

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