Lafayette Blue Springs State Park

The head spring at Lafayette Blue Springs State Park

Lafayette Blue Springs is a first magnitude spring (meaning: more than 65 million gallons of water flow through every day) just off the side of the Suwannee River. Most folks come to Lafayette Blue Springs State Park to enjoy the swimming, hiking, bicycling, picnicking and/or walk-in tent camping. The campground is a full service campground that doubles as a river camp for folks traveling the Suwannee River Wilderness Trail. The park also offers five cabins for rent (fully furnished, two bedrooms, one bath, living/kitchen/dining combo with fireplace but no phones or TVs).
The park has a boat ramp located on the north side of the parking lot. There is also a youth camp for up to 30 people overlooking the Suwannee River. Fishing is allowed (except in the swimming areas) and there is a nature walk/interpretive trail. There are picnic facilities along the river and near the head spring with two pavilions available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Lafayette Blue Springs is located along the Green Sink cave system. Cave diving is allowed but have your cave diving credentials handy. The caves extend southwest and west of the head spring with more than 12,000 feet of passageways surveyed. The caves tend to be ten feet high and up to twenty feet wide with rooms in areas up to one hundred feet wide and thirty feet high.
Lafayette Blue Springs State Park is open from 8 am until sunset every day of the year. Lafayette Blue Springs State Park is located on the west side of the Suwannee River, about seven miles northwest of Mayo. To get there: follow US Highway 27 northwest out of Mayo for about 4.3 miles to County Road 292. Turn east on CR 292 and go 2.1 miles to Blue Springs Road. Go east on Blue Springs Road another quarter-mile to the park entrance.

One of the vacation cabins