Devils Hammock Wildlife Management Area

A roadway (sort of) in the Devils Hammock Wildlife Management Area
Devils Hammock Wildlife Management Area is a 7,774-acre property along the Waccasassa River and Otter Creek in north-central Levy County. Levy County is well-known for the quality of its hunting and fishing opportunities. The property is a mix of hardwood and bottomland forest, depression marsh, floodplain swamp, dome swamp, basin swamp and pine plantation. Other than seasonal hunting, recreational opportunities include fishing, hiking, bicycling, horseback riding and wildlife viewing. There are also two canoe launches on the property. Camping is also allowed but not during hunting seasons. To camp also requires getting a permit from the Levy County Commission and camping is restricted to designated sites and group camping only.
Hunters will find small game, feral hogs, wild turkey and white-tailed deer. Other folks will also find wood stork, river otter, black racer, Florida black bear, limpkin, American alligator, swallow-tailed kite, hairy woodpecker, squirrel and kingfisher on the property.
Devils Hammock Wildlife Management Area is managed in cooperation with the Suwanee River Water Management District. Levy County owns 3,500 acres of the property while the Suwanee River Water Management District owns 4,274 acres.

Pine flatwoods with a cabbage palm understory

More pine flatwoods at Devils Hammock WMA

Map courtesy of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission