California Wild & Scenic Rivers

Wild & Scenic Rivers in California
- Amargosa River
- American River (Lower)
- American River (North Fork)
- Bautista Creek
- Big Sur River
- Black Butte River
- Cottonwood Creek
- Eel River
- Feather River
- Fuller Mill Creek
- Kern River
- Kings River
- Klamath River
- Merced River
- Owens River Headwaters
- Palm Canyon Creek
- Piru Creek
- San Jacinto River (North Fork)
- Sespe Creek
- Sisquoc River
- Smith River
- Trinity River
- Tuoloumne River

Amargosa River

Kayaking the Tuolumne River
Upper photo courtesy of Clinton Steeds, CCA 2.0 License
Other photos courtesy of the Bureau of Land Management