Hauser Wilderness

Typical view in Hauser Wilderness
The 6,919-acre Hauser Wilderness was designated by Congress in 1984. However, as it virtually borders the 13,000-acre Pine Creek Wilderness to the north, very little info is available specifically about Hauser Wilderness.
Anyway, the landscape is mountainous with steep slopes and granite outcroppings everywhere. The vegetation is a chaparral and coastal sage community with some woodlands hidden in the depths of Boneyard and Salazar Canyons. Elevations range from a low around 1,600' near Barrett Lake to a high of 3,681' on a hilltop southwest of Bronco Flats.
The Pacific Crest Trail crosses Hauser Wilderness in its extreme southwest corner for less than one mile. The Hauser Creek Trail runs up Hauser Canyon for 4 miles just outside the southern border of the wilderness. There are no other trails in the area. Visitors also need to obtain a free wilderness permit before entering the property for even a couple hours.