Chimney Peak Wilderness

Chimney Peak Wilderness

Chimney Peak Wilderness is a 13,140-acre property between Domeland Wilderness to the west and Owens Peak Wilderness to the east. Chimney Peak Wilderness is separated from both by the primitive (former) Chimney Peak Backcountry Byway.
The landscape is rocky and mountainous terrain. The vegetation is primarily pinyon pine and sagebrush, offering habitat for black bear, mountain lions, mule deer, bobcats, coyotes and other animals. Chimney Peak rises to 7,994 feet in the northeastern section of the wilderness. Chimney Creek tumbles its way out the eastern side of the wilderness, providing habitat for trout and other fish.
The Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail spends about 8 miles of its journey crossing Chimney Peak Wilderness as it travels between Domeland and Owens Peak Wildernesses.