Red Mountain Wilderness

Red Mountain Wilderness in Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest
The 20,490 acres of Red Mountain Wilderness are in the heart of the White Pine Range, contiguous to the eastern border of Currant Mountain Wilderness. With an orange-red volcanic geology, Red Mountain stands out in stark contrast to the grey limestone escarpment of the rest of the White Pine Range. Elevations range from 6,400' to 9,328' at the summit of Red Mountain. The hills and mountains in this area are covered with a dense forest of pinon, limber and bristlecone pines with native grasses in the open areas and meadows.
Access to Red Mountain Wilderness is via US 6: go 30 miles southwest of Ely to the White River Campground sign. Turn west and follow the road about 10 miles to the dispersed campground. There are no formal trail heads but old jeep trails and abandoned roads in the area do offer some limited amount of access.

Map courtesy of National Geographic Topo!