Hackberry Lake Recreation Area

55,000 acres of rolling stabilized dune lands and cliffs: that's the Hackberry Lake Recreation Area. This is an area where dune buggies, dirt bikes and other OHVs can go wild. The trails run across low hills with rocky, loamy soils to small, shallow draws to deep arroyos with deep alluvial soils and sand bars. There are lots of turns and many steep hill climbs. The New Mexico Desert Racing Club runs their "Desert Rough Riders Carlsbad 100 Desert Race" here every year.
Camping is allowed on the Hackberry Lake Recreation Area but there are no facilities: no restrooms, no drinking water. The BLM property is also intermingled with private property and private facilities. There's livestock grazing and oil and gas, mining, utilities, and communications companies operating on the property and in the neighborhood. When you're riding, on or off the pavement, be aware of traffic and heavy trucks.
The property is open year round and has no fees, however, competitive events must apply for a Special Recreation Use Permit.
To get to the Hackberry Lake OHV Area: The most often used parking lot is on the north side of CR 222. Take US 62/180 north out of Carlsbad to State Road 360, turn and go north on SR 360 for about 5.7 miles to CR 222. Turn and go east on CR 222.
Maps: BLM - Carlsbad