Dangberg Home Ranch Historic Park

Dangberg Home Ranch Historic Park

The Dangberg Home Ranch was founded by Heinrich Friedrich Dangberg, newly arrived from Germany in 1857. This was one of the Carson Valley's first and, eventually, largest ranches. The rancher, politician and local businessman started here with just a log cabin in the sagebrush. Then he married and raised five children. As the children grew, the cabin grew until it became a large ranch house. He grew his operation into a 20,000 acre empire by the time he died in 1904.
The family founded the Dangberg Land & Livestock Company in 1902. Then when the father passed away, his son took over and increased the holdings to 48,000 acres (including cattle and sheep ranches in Alpine County, California). In 1906, together with some other local ranchers, the Dangbergs founded the settlement at Minden.
Douglas County now owns a bit more than 5 acres around the original main house, laundry building, stone cellar, garage, carriage house and bunkhouse. The park is still being developed so facilities are limited. There's no drinking water available, except what you bring yourself. The restrooms are two portable toilets, one of which is universally accessible. There is a hand-washing station next to the porta-potties.
The property is managed by Nevada State Parks and the state and county are working together to restore the original buildings. The ranch is on State Route 88, 1 mile south of the State Route's junction with US 395 (31 miles south of Carson City).