Bald Mountain Wilderness
The 22,366-acre Bald Mountain Wilderness is located on the eastern side of the White Pine Range. Ellison Creek borders the south side of Bald Mountain Wilderness. This is a lower elevation area with large rocky outcroppings above small box canyons with numerous springs and lots of wildflowers. Bald Mountain itself (8,850') is a high grassy peak with wildflower-strewn meadows and mountain sage rising above dense pinon and juniper forests. To this point, there are no established trails in Bald Mountain Wilderness.
Access to Bald Mountain Wilderness from the east is via US 6: go southwest from Ely for about 25 miles to County Road 10. Turn onto CR 10 and go west about 10 miles toward the Ellison Creek Guard Station. That will put you on the southern flank of Bald Mountain. From the west: go west of Ely on US 50 for about 45 miles to Forest Service Road 400. Turn south and go about 20 miles to the Ellison Creek Guard Station. That will give you access to the western flank of Bald Mountain.

Bald Mountain Wilderness area map