Beaver Creek Wilderness

Rock formations in Beaver Creek Wilderness
Beaver Creek Wilderness is composed of 4,791 acres almost entirely enclosed by the sandstone cliffs that line the valley of Beaver Creek. Beaver Creek bisects the wilderness, flowing past numerous natural arches and rock shelters that were once used by early American pioneers and Native Americans before them. In some places, the Native American artifacts date back to 9,000 BCE.
If you visit Beaver Creek Wilderness, there are five maintained trails, nothing longer than maybe 2.5 miles. You might find the traces of old logging, coal-hauling and country roads in these woods but it's been a long time and the forest has been busy reclaiming its property. There are still remnants of the old Bauer Coal Mining settlement in Beaver Creek Wilderness: exotic shrubs, stone fences and old grave sites.
Beaver Creek Wilderness is an area filled with black bear, white-tailed deer, wild turkey, red and gray fox, ruffed grouse, muskrat, mink, raccoon and rabbit. Trails are open year round, primitive camping is allowed everywhere except within 300 feet of any stream or road, and you'll want to be out of sight of any trails. You'll want to bring your own water, too, as nothing inside the wilderness is guaranteed disease-free. The property is embedded within the Beaver Creek Wildlife Management Area on Daniel Boone National Forest.
Photo and maps of Beaver Creek Wilderness courtesy of the US Forest Service