Tiger Bay State Forest

Tiger Bay State Forest

Tiger Bay State Forest is a 27,395-acre property in Volusia County that is composed mostly of large areas of swamp surrounding pine islands and a large pine-studded ridge. Around Tiger Bay State Forest are several publicly-owned properties that, together, create a wildlife corridor for many species of plant and animal that are on the various endangered, threatened and "of special concern" lists. Tiger Bay State Forest itself is located about 7 miles west of the city of Daytona Beach. US Highway 92 cuts across the southern portion of the forest, giving access to all three official entry points to the property. The Tiger Bay State Forest Headquarters office is located on US Highway 92 about 1/2 mile west of the South entrance.
Recreational activities at Tiger Bay State Forest include picnicking, hiking, nature study, boating, canoeing, fishing, wildlife watching, photography, seasonal hunting and primitive camping (by permit only). Mountain biking and horseback riding are allowed on certain designated forest roads. All boating is to be done with electric motors or paddles/oars only. There is a two-mile interpretive nature trail in the Indian Lake area.
The Rima Ridge and Tiger Bay Wildlife Management Areas are located on the forest. This area was impacted heavily during the 1998 summer fire season and more than half the forest burned, but recovery is proceeding nicely.
For mammalian wildlife, you'll find Florida black bear, feral hogs, white-tailed deer, otters, beavers, coyotes, foxes, squirrels and rabbits. Among the avian species are wood stork, Bachman's sparrow, bald eagle and hundreds of species of wading and shore birds.
Tiger Bay State Forest is open to the public every day of the year from dawn to dusk.

Small photo and map are courtesy of the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission