Cougar Canyon Wilderness

Cougar Canyon Wilderness is a 10,648-acre property in northwestern Washington County. Slaughter Creek Wilderness borders the eastern side of Cougar Canyon Wilderness, Tunnel Spring Wilderness (in Nevada) borders the western side. Cougar Canyon Wilderness is separated from Docs Pass Wilderness to the south by a road corridor along the canyon of Beaver Dam Wash. To the north is an extensive roadless area of Dixie National Forest.
This is a heavily forested area built on volcanic debris: lava flows, mudflow breccias and ash-fall tuffs. The volcanic materials have been eroded over the years until now, the region is a mix of steep-sided canyons and upper plateaus.
Visitors to the area are liable to come across mule deer, black bear, elk, ring-tailed cat, bobcat, mountain lion, coyote, fox, badger, marmot and various other smaller mammals. Beaver Dam Wash sometimes contains enough water to support a small population of Virgin spinedace and native trout.
Cougar Canyon Wilderness is in a remote and rugged area, the roads that reach this far into the bush are certainly not paved. Visitors might want to bring extra food, extra water, extra gas, extra clothes... maybe even an extra spare tire. During most of the year, you'll probably have the entire property to yourself.

Cougar Canyon Wilderness map