Lake Thibadeau National Wildlife Refuge

A pronghorn antelope seen at Lake Thibadeau National Wildlife Refuge

Lake Thibadeau National Wildlife Refuge contains some 3,560 acres in northern Hill County, Montana. The property consists of several small lakes and the surrounding wetlands and grassy prairie uplands: excellent habitat for migratory waterfowl and other wildlife. The property is part of the Bowdoin Wetland Management District and is administered out of the office at Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge.
Lake Thibadeau National Wildlife Refuge, being composed of conservation easements from several different landowners, seems to have extremely little public land. As such, there is no legal access for the public: you want to go there, you need permission from one of the landowners involved. Fish & Wildlife has some legal responsibility in terms of maintaining the water control structures at Thibadeau Diversion Dam and on Lake Thibadeau, however, the large proportion of cultivated private croplands in the area preclude any other active management or public use of the property.