Lathrop State Park

Looking south along Martin Lake in Lathrop State Park

The 1,594 acres of Lathrop State Park are nestled among the pinons and junipers on the prairie west of Walsenburg. Camping here is a real pleasure with the Spanish Peaks making a magnificent background to your activities. With 103 campsites spread through the Yucca and Pinon Campgrounds, there are both electrical and primitive camping sites available, although larger camping units will prefer the recently upgraded sites at Pinon. Showers, toilets, laundry facilities and drinking water are also available to campers.
Martin Lake and Horseshoe Lake are two different aquatic environments and, for the most part, have different kinds of fish. Horseshoe Lake is crystal clear and wakeless, with tigers, muskies, catfish, largemouth bass, and rainbow trout. Martin Lake is always a bit murky and has trout, walleyes, wipers, crappies, bluegills, catfish, and largemouth bass. Martin Lake also has a sandy swimming beach and speed boats, water skiers and jet skis. Picnicking is permitted throughout the park. Individual picnic shelters are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Martin Lake is part of Lathrop State Park while Horseshoe Lake is managed by the Colorado Division of Wildlife and hunting is allowed on that property in season, with proper permits.