Lolo National Forest

A view in Mission Mountains Wilderness on Lolo National Forest
Among its 2,000,000 acres of land on the west side of the Continental Divide, Lolo National Forest has 12 developed campgrounds and more than 700 miles of developed hiking trails. The Welcome Creek and Mission Mountains Wildernesses are wholly on the Lolo National Forest while parts of the Scapegoat and Bob Marshall Wildernesses are on the Lolo.
You'll find grizzly and black bear, bighorn sheep, mountain goat, moose, elk, mule deer, trumpeter swan, gold and bald eagle, herons and at least 30 species of ducks in these woods. The fishing tends to be excellent with a lot of trout and Rocky Mountain whitefish in the water.
Lolo National Forest headquarters is in Missoula with local ranger district offices in Missoula, Plains, Huson, Superior and Seeley Lake.

Wetlands and mountains
Lower photo courtesy of the National Resources Conservation Service