Tamarac Wetland Management District

A typical conservation easement area in Tamarac Wetland Management District

Tamarac Wetland Management District oversees about 11,387 acres of conservation easements scattered across about 10,600 square miles of north-central Minnesota. The area is where the pines give way to tallgrass prairie, where the northern forest changes over to the glacial pothole landscape.
A major activity of the personnel assigned to Tamarac WMD is to render technical assistance to the private landowners who donated the conservation easements and to consult for Farm Service Agency Farm Bill programs in the area. The primary focus of the district is to work in restoring native wetlands and grasslands, establish young forest habitats and promote grazing practices that are better for both domestic animals and wildlife.
Because the Wetland Management District manages conservation easements on otherwise private land, there are no visitor opportunities.
Photos are courtesy of the US Fish & Wildlife Service