Bear Creek Scenic River

Along Bear Creek Scenic River
Bear Creek Scenic River is a 6.5-mile stretch of Bear Creek from the Coates Highway to the creek's confluence with the Manistee River (another National Scenic River). The Bear Creek corridor is relatively undeveloped as it runs through farmland, rolling hills and lush swamps in Huron-Manistee National Forest. With a healthy population of trout and excellent runs of steelhead and salmon in spring and fall, the primary recreational activity along Bear Creek is fishing. However, canoeing and kayaking are rapidly gaining in popularity. Because of the size of the stream, canoers sometimes have to stop and push their canoes through areas of low water.
Because access to the creek corridor is somewhat limited, the third major recreational use of the area is hunting. Most folks access the area via Coates Highway. There is another access on River Road (at the south end of the Bear Creek corridor) at the Bear Creek River Access Site, an area where you'll need a vehicle parking pass under the Recreation Enhancement Act.